
Review the Impacts of Severe Weather on Ranchers & Rural Utilities

April 29 2022 01:30 aaa

On Friday, April 29, Senator John Hoeven will review the impacts of recent severe weather on North Dakota’s livestock producers, communities and rural utility services. The senator will visit a family-owned ranch near Max to learn firsthand about the damages and challenges caused by recent storms. Immediately following, Hoeven will hold a roundtable discussion with ranchers, local leaders and representatives from McLean Electric Cooperative.

Ranch Tour

            When:              Friday, April 29

                                    1:30 pm CT 

            Where:             Jacobson Family Ranch

                                    2875 36th Ave NW

                                    ¾ mile north of Country Road 2


Roundtable Discussion

             When:             Friday, April 29

                                    2:30 pm CT

            Where:             Max Community Center

                                    215 Main St
