
Midwest AgEnergy's Carbon Zero Initiative

October 13 2020 10:00 aaa

On Tuesday, October 13, Senator John Hoeven will help kick off Midwest AgEnergy’s Carbon Zero Initiative. The event will include a groundbreaking ceremony for the drilling of a COcapture well for the Blue Flint ethanol plant. As a member of the Senate committees overseeing the Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE appropriations, Hoeven has been working to support the development of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies to benefit both traditional and renewable resources and secured North Dakota’s primacy over regulating Class VI injection wells, which are used for geologic or long-term storage of CO2.

 When:              10:00 a.m. CT  

Where:              Corner of 2nd St SW & 29th Ave SW

                        West of Blue Flint Ethanol
