
FM Diversion Inlet Structure Dedication

October 27 2023 11:00 aaa

FARGO, N.D. – On Friday, October 27, Senator John Hoeven, along with Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael Connor and local leaders, will mark the completion of the inlet structure for the Fargo-Moorhead region’s flood protection project. The inlet is a key element, tying together the local portion of the project with the federal portion, which is able to move forward due to Hoeven’s successful efforts to fully fund the $750 million federal cost share.

            When:              Friday, October 27
                                    11:00 a.m. CT – Dedication Ceremony
                                    11:50 a.m. CT – Media Availability

            Where:             Fargo City Hall
                                    Atrium & Commission Chambers
                                    225 4th St N
