Grant Support

My staff is happy help as you seek grant support for your programs and projects in North Dakota. Whether you are just starting the grant process or have already submitted your proposal, my staff can help provide information, write a letter of interest to grantors or facilitate communication with federal agencies. Though we are happy to help in these ways, we cannot write proposals on your behalf. For more information on preparing grant proposals, please visit the Grants Learning Center, a reference source for federal programs. This website offers a Getting Started Checklist and information on Registering Your Organization. In addition, you can prepare for the application process by reading up onDeveloping and Writing Grant Proposals and reviewing sample cover letters, proposals and budgets

Feel free to contact my D.C. office at 202-224-2551 to discuss your proposal with my staff. If you are just beginning to consider funding opportunities, please look through the following information and resources.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Consumer Alert  
The FTC warns consumers to beware of paying "processing fees" for information that is available free to the public. Many ads claiming federal grants for home repairs, home business expenses, unpaid bills or other personal expenses are often scams.

Private Resources

Candid is a gateway to information about private funding sources, the grant-seeking process, writing a grant proposal, state libraries with grants reference collections and links to other useful websites.

  • Guide to Funding Research Overview of the funding research process for seeking grants from foundations, corporations, and grant-making public charities.
  • Proposal Writing Short Course Introduction to writing proposals available in a variety of languages.
  • Foundation Finder Searchable database of  more than 70,000 private and community foundations.
  • Requests for Proposals Daily postings of requests for proposals (RFPs) from private funding sources by broad subject category.

Council on Foundations
A list of Community Foundations in North Dakota with contact information.

The Grantsmanship Center 
Click on the map to find information about each state's foundations, community foundations and corporate giving programs.

State Resources

Before applying to the federal government, please be aware that most federal funds are first disbursed to state and local governments who then award the funds to private parties appropriately. If you have not already, check with any of the relevant state agencies for your funding needs. 

Federal Resources

Once all local and state opportunities have been pursued, there are a few registration steps that must be completed before eligible parties (see Who is eligible for a Grant?can apply for funds with the federal government. 

Single Point of Contact (SPOC)

Under Presidential Executive Order 12372, applications for certain federal grants and direct development activities must be submitted for review and comment to the North Dakota Department of Commerce, Division of Community Services (DCS) as the state Single Point of Contact. The review process allows state and local officials to submit comments and to make recommendations to the federal grantor agency. The North Dakota SPOC can be contacted at:

North Dakota SPOC
PO Box 2057
Bismarck, ND 58502-2057
(701) 328-2687 phone
(701) 328-2308 fax  (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services) 
Federal grants allow eligible grant-seekers to find and apply for current competitive grant opportunities from ALL federal agencies. Grant-seekers can check on notices of funding availability posted in the last seven days; access RSS feeds of grant opportunities; and apply for federal grants through a unified process by downloading the application and submitting online.

A-Z Index of U.S. Department and Agencies  (General Services Administration) 
Search a department or agency's website to learn more about its programs and objectives to develop better grant proposals. The site also links to Government Benefits, Grants and Financial Aid. for Business  (General Services Administration) 
The GSA provides information on contracting with the federal government, international trade and exporting, and small business grants. The Small Business Administration also provides information on financial assistance. for Nonprofits  (General Service Administration)
Nonprofit organizations will find information about federal department and agency services , including fundraising and outreach, grants, loans and other assistance, laws and regulations, management and operations, online services, registration and licensing, and tax information.

Student Aid on the Web (Department of Education) 
Financial assistance for education beyond high school is generally "need-based" and often includes loans and work-study, in addition to some grants. College and university applications, websites and brochures usually include financial aid information for prospective and incoming students.