
Hoeven's National Day of the Deployed Resolution Passes in Senate

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Senate has passed a resolution to honor the nation’s deployed servicemembers and their families by designating October 26, 2014 as Day of the Deployed.

“The Senate has once again passed a resolution designating October 26 as a day for our country to join together to honor and thank our servicemembers and their families,” said Hoeven. “Our nation has long understood the intrinsic importance of setting aside special days of remembrance, and the Day of the Deployed serves as a fitting way for our country to pause to remember and recognize the American servicemembers currently deployed throughout the world.”

Currently, more than 2.5 million people serve as members of the U.S. Armed Forces, including those in the active guard and reserve components, with thousands of members deployed each year to 150 countries around the world.

The resolution calls on all Americans to reflect on the service of all members of the Armed Forces.

As Governor of North Dakota, Hoeven launched the first Day of the Deployed on Oct. 26, 2006. Hoeven has continued to spearhead the effort in the Senate, sponsoring the first Senate resolution calling for a national Day of the Deployed in 2011.

The full text of the resolution is available here.