
Hoeven, Young Introduce Legislation to Fast Track Development of New Baseload Power Projects to Improve Grid Reliability

WASHINGTON – Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) today introduced the Guaranteeing Reliability through the Interconnection of Dispatchable (GRID) Power Act, legislation to remove delays in the development of new baseload power generation projects that would improve the reliability of the electrical grid. Specifically, the Hoeven-Young bill would:

  • Following rulemaking from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), authorize regional grid operators to give priority consideration for baseload generation projects seeking an interconnection agreement.
    • The interconnection queue is where proposed projects wait before grid operators begin conducting their feasibility and system impact studies.
    • As of 2023, the median wait time was five years for an interconnection agreement, significantly delaying the construction of critical projects.
    • FERC would be required to initiate rulemaking to establish this process within 90 days of the bill’s enactment and finalize the rule within 180 days.
  • Establish a timeline of 60 days for FERC to act on baseload generation projects given priority consideration by grid operators.
    • Timely approval of projects would help address the gap in reliable power generation created by Biden-Harris administration rules like the Clean Power Plan 2.0, which have accelerated the retirement of American baseload power plants.

“The reliability of the electric grid has been undermined for years by Green New Deal policies advanced under the Obama and Biden administrations, whose heavy-handed approach to regulation has forced the retirement of critically-needed baseload power plants. The result is an unstable grid, power shortages and more brownouts and blackouts,” said Senator Hoeven. “Our legislation seeks to reverse this trend by empowering grid operators to put baseload power generation projects at the front of the line for approval. Further, it sets deadlines for FERC, requiring the agency to promptly set up this priority approval process and to start acting on baseload power projects. Doing so will enhance our nation’s energy security and help ensure the power stays on when needed most.”

“Bureaucratic delays are slowing critical power projects and threatening the reliability of our electric grid. We need to cut through red tape to get more power online faster. This bill will strengthen our grid to promote American energy independence and drive economic growth—especially in states like Indiana, where reliable energy is vital to jobs and Hoosier workers,” said Senator Todd Young.

“Our interconnection queue is buckling under its own weight,” said Rep. Balderson. “Transmission providers are tasked with ensuring we have enough electricity to keep the lights on, but the growing backlog of projects is adding years to an already time-consuming process. This legislation would give grid operators the authority to identify and expedite the consideration of essential projects that will protect our grid’s reliability and provide the power needed to meet America’s growing demand.”

“Ensuring grid reliability is paramount, and this bill recognizes the role that always-on dispatchable power must play in meeting that need. A reliable power grid requires generation sources that can be counted on to meet demand at any time. Rep. Balderson and Senators Hoeven and Young’s leadership on this issue, alongside their continued advocacy for baseload power, highlights the need for policies that recognize the value of dispatchable energy resources—including coal, natural gas, and nuclear power—so that American families and businesses can depend on affordable and secure electricity. The Lignite Energy Council appreciates their commitment to energy reliability and the future of dependable power generation,” said Jason Bohrer, President and CEO of the Lignite Energy Council (LEC).

“AXPC applauds Congressman Balderson, Senator Hoeven and Senator Young’s efforts to prioritize projects that enhance grid reliability and capacity. As our nation's power demand continues to rise, it is critical that we don’t delay consideration of power-generation projects, such as those that use natural gas, that can provide needed dispatchable power and enhance reliability,” said Anne Bradbury, CEO of American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC).

“Significant increases in electricity demand are expected in every region of the country, driven by data centers powering advancements in AI, domestic manufacturing, and the electrification of various sectors of the economy. Grid operators should be given significant flexibility to address current or future reliability concerns, including the creation of an accelerated interconnection for resources identified as critical to maintaining reliability. The bill appropriately requires stakeholder feedback and FERC approval before any changes are made, ensuring that all viewpoints are heard. EPSA is grateful to Congressman Balderson and Senators Hoeven and Young for their leadership on this critical issue and his commitment to electric grid reliability,” said Todd Snitchler, President & CEO of the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA), the national trade association for independent power producers.

A companion to the bill was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Troy Balderson (R-Ohio).
