
Hoeven Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress and the American people this evening:

“I was looking for areas of agreement, where we can work together to get things done for our country. The president talked about trade, cybersecurity and a highway bill, which is good. I’m still concerned, however, that he’s talking about higher taxes, more regulation and bigger government. I’m also concerned about his approach to energy development. It’s ironic that he takes credit for oil and gas development when he’s held it up, and the Keystone pipeline project is a good example.

“These are all problems for job creation and growing our economy, not the solution. What we need to do is create that good business climate, help our entrepreneurs and small businesses across America, like we have in North Dakota. That’s the right path. That’s what we’ll be working on in Congress.”
