
Hoeven Statement on President Obama's Nominees for the EPA and Department of Energy

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to the president’s nominations of Gina McCarthy to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Dr. Ernest Moniz to serve as secretary of energy:

“The question of primary importance to the nation, as well as to my state, is will both of these candidates embrace a true all-of-the-above approach to energy development rather than simply use rhetoric to that effect.

“For Ms. McCarthy, it will be especially important to demonstrate that she plans to take a balanced approach to the job, seeking to work professionally with states to find economically viable environmental solutions, while allowing us to develop all of our varied energy resources in tandem. That means implementing simple, straightforward rules that provide certainty for America’s energy producers and affordable and abundant energy for American businesses and families.

“For Dr. Moniz, it will be important to show evidence that he takes a truly comprehensive approach to energy development, not disqualifying or handicapping one source in favor of another, but giving all an opportunity to grow in a responsible way. It will also be essential for him to recognize the vital role that affordable energy plays in our larger economy by creating jobs and opportunities for our people.

“I look forward to meeting with both Ms. McCarthy and Dr. Moriz in the near future to discuss these and other issues that I believe are crucial to the future and wellbeing of our nation.”