
Hoeven: Senate Passes Resolution Overturning Burdensome, Costly Emissions Mandates on State DOTS 

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate passed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), sponsored by Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), to overturn costly, overreaching emissions mandates on state departments of transportation (DOTs).

Last year, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reinstated an Obama-era rule requiring state DOTs to set and enforce declining targets for CO2 emissions from vehicle traffic, which would significantly burden state-level investments in roadways, bridges, highways and other transportation projects. Hoeven and his colleagues previously called on the FHWA to rescind the proposed rule, stressing that the agency does not have the required authority from Congress to impose such a mandate.

“Burdensome mandates like this FHWA rule disproportionately harm large rural states like North Dakota and will inflate the costs of needed repairs and updates to roadways, bridges and other transportation systems, meaning taxpayers get less for more,” said Hoeven. “Time and again, the Biden administration has overreached its authority and undermined the U.S. economy with expansive federal rules. This CRA resolution is part of our broader efforts to provide regulatory relief, remove these burdens and hold the administration accountable.”
