
Hoeven: Senate Confirms Moniz as Energy Secretary

Senator Presses Secretary to Support True, All-of-the-Above Energy Approach, States-First Approach to Hydraulic Fracturing

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today announced that the United States Senate confirmed Ernest Moniz to be U.S. Secretary of Energy. Hoeven, who is a member of the Senate Energy Committee, has pressed Moniz to support a states-first approach to hydraulic fracturing and to work with him to develop a comprehensive energy plan for the nation similar to Empower ND. As governor for ten years, Senator Hoeven worked to develop Empower ND, the state’s first comprehensive energy plan, which continues to provide North Dakota with an ever-evolving, dynamic blueprint for successful energy development.

“North Dakota is a leader in energy production for our nation because more than a decade ago we took an all-of-the-above approach to energy development that partners traditional and renewable energy sources in new and inventive ways,” said Hoeven. “I’ve pressed Secretary Moniz to work with us to take a truly comprehensive approach to energy development for the nation as we have in North Dakota – an approach that fully embraces fossil fuels as well as alternative energy sources. With the right energy policies in place, our nation can be energy secure in five to seven years.”

Hoeven is working, as he did as governor of North Dakota, to build a comprehensive energy policy for the nation. The senator has introduced a variety of energy bills including the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act (DEJA), a wide-ranging package of 13 diverse energy bills, addressing both traditional and renewable development and the Empower States Act, which would give states primacy in regulating hydraulic fracturing. These and other measures we’re working on are designed to fully develop America’s latent energy potential.”

At the Senate Energy Committee’s confirmation hearing and in a personal meeting last month, Hoeven pressed Dr. Moniz on his views regarding hydraulic fracturing and sought assurances that he will support a states-first approach to hydraulic fracturing. Hoeven said that a one-size-fits-all approach to hydraulic fracturing doesn’t work and states know their land and their resources best.

Hoeven has also challenged Moniz to find ways for the Department of Energy to promote energy research and development like the work being done at the Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota.