
Hoeven Reviews Airport Infrastructure Projects, Plans for Grand Forks Airport Future

As member of Transportation Appropriations Committee, Senator Working to Support Infrastructure Growth, Maintenance

GRAND FORKS, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today met with Grand Forks International Airport Executive Director Ryan Reisinger for a review of the airport’s existing infrastructure and plans to renovate and construct runways to meet increasing demands. As a member of the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Committee, Hoeven is working to provide funding to support maintenance and upgrades at the airport. 

“The Grand Forks Airport is one of the top 25 busiest airports in the country, serving as the hub for the University of North Dakota’s pilot training program while also serving nearly 120,000 passengers in 2017,” said Hoeven. “We’re working to support the needs of the community and ensure we maintain and build new infrastructure, including runways, so the airport can safely and efficiently serve its passengers now and into the future.” 

Hoeven and the airport officials reviewed work to develop the airport’s master plan and discussed current limitations and the need to maintain and build new infrastructure, including runways. 

Additionally, in advance of the Senate’s consideration of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization legislation, Hoeven toured the air traffic control tower and met with air traffic controllers to gather their input, including the need to streamline the controller hiring process to help relieve staffing challenges. 
