
Hoeven Outlines Efforts to Advance Regulatory Relief, Infrastructure Development & Energy Research

Senator Delivers Closing Address for 2017 Energy Council Conference

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today outlined his efforts to advance energy development in North Dakota and across North America at the Energy Council’s annual conference. As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Committee, Hoeven is working to provide regulatory relief and support for infrastructure development and research into new technologies like carbon capture. The Energy Council is a legislative organization of 12 energy-producing states, including North Dakota, and two Canadian provinces.

“We can accomplish North American energy security if we support robust energy development,” Hoeven said. “That means having a regulatory framework in place that provides energy developers with certainty and empowers them to invest in research and infrastructure. In the first six months of this Congress, we have provided substantial regulatory relief. We will continue this effort, while also continuing to invest in developing new technologies to produce more energy with better environmental stewardship.”


  • Stopping the Waters of the U.S. Rule  Hoeven worked through the Appropriations Committee to defund the regulation in 2016 and 2017. In February, the president signed an executive order directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers to rescind or revise the rule.
  • Repealing the Stream Buffer Rule – Hoeven helped introduce and pass legislation to rescind the one-size-fits-all Stream Buffer Rule, which was primarily based on mining practices in the Appalachian region and threatened to eliminate thousands of mining jobs.
  • Rolling Back Burdensome Regulations – Hoeven joined the president and Interior secretary to implement executive orders and begin rolling back regulations that hamper domestic energy production, including the EPA’s costly rules for coal-generating power plants, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) hydraulic fracturing rule for federal lands, BLM’s methane rule and the moratorium on federal coal leasing. The senator also cosponsored and voted for a resolution to repeal the BLM methane rule.
  • Rescinding BLM “Planning 2.0” – Hoeven cosponsored and helped pass a resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal the rule. This maintainedmultiple-use requirements for federal lands, including energy development.


  • Preventing Permit Delays for Oil & Gas Wells  Last Congress, Hoeven introduced the BLM Spacing Act, legislation that directs BLM to establish a pilot program to remove the requirement for a federal permit when 25 percent or less of the minerals are owned or held in trust by the federal government and there is no federal surface land.
  • Expediting Gas-Gathering Infrastructure – Hoeven has worked to reduce natural gas flaring by addressing the BLM’s backlog of permit applications for gas-gathering infrastructure and pressing for workable, state-led regulations. The senator helped introduce the bipartisan Natural Gas Gathering Enhancement Act last Congress, which sets deadlines for and expedites the permitting of natural gas gathering lines on federal and Indian land.
  • Streamlining Approval of Cross-Border Infrastructure – Hoeven is working to advance legislation similar to the North American Energy Infrastructure Act,which he introduced last Congress. This would prevent unnecessary delays for important energy infrastructure projects like pipelines and electrical transmission lines that cross the national boundaries between the U.S. and Canada or Mexico.


Hoeven continues working to support the development of commercially-viable clean coal technologies. To this end, the senator invited Energy Secretary Rick Perry to North Dakota during his recent confirmation process to see firsthand the innovative research and development in the state, including Project Tundra and the Allam Cycle.

Hoeven is also working to reintroduce the CO2 Regulatory Certainty Act, legislation to clarify tax guidelines so project developers are better able to claim the 45Q tax credit for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. In addition, Hoeven recently secured a first-in-the-nation approval from the EPA of North Dakota’s application for regulatory primacy over Class VI injection wells, which are used for geological sequestration or long-term storage of CO2. Both of these efforts will help encourage more companies to research, develop and deploy CCS technology for both traditional and renewable energy sources.
