
Hoeven Expresses Support for Corn Growers New Venture

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today expressed his support for a new $1.5 billion fertilizer plant being planned by the North Dakota Corn Growers and their partners. He said the planned new facility, Northern Plains Hydrogen, will convert natural gas into anhydrous ammonia, which he said is particularly beneficial because it will provide two important benefits to North Dakota.

“This new facility would provide farmers throughout the region with supplies of nitrogen fertilizer, and at the same time, help to reduce flaring and increase recovery of natural gas,” Hoeven said. “This is the kind of synergy we worked to develop through our comprehensive plans for economic development and energy. This is a great concept that brings together energy and value-added agriculture, building on North Dakota’s leadership role in both industries.”

The proposed project was created by a partnership of farmers throughout the Upper Plains and is the result of a North Dakota State University study funded by the Corn Growers Associations of North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, and the Manitoba Canola and North Dakota Soybean Councils. It will produce more than 600,000 tons of nitrogen per year and employ about 135 full-time employees. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2015 and the plant and would be completed in 2017.