
Hoeven Encourages Super Committee to 'Go Big' To Reduce Deficit

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today joined a bipartisan group of members of both the U.S. House and Senate at a press conference to urge again the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to “go big” as they work to cut the U.S. deficit and debt. The senator is among 147 legislators – 45 Senators and 102 Representatives – who are calling for the 12-member, bicameral joint select committee to create a comprehensive plan to reduce the deficit and debt.

The joint select committee faces a Nov. 23 deadline for recommending how to decrease the national deficit and debt over ten years.

“We encourage the members of the joint select committee to work in a bipartisan way to reduce the deficit. We need to restore fiscal discipline to Washington and point our country in the right direction, and we need to get this done now. Our country cannot wait any longer,” Hoeven said.

As part of the August compromise on raising the debt ceiling, a bipartisan, bicameral 12-member panel was appointed to identify at least $1.2 trillion in budget savings over ten years in addition to the nearly $1 trillion in savings included in the debt ceiling legislation. The national debt is approximately $15 trillion. 

However, the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task Force, also known as the “Domenici-Rivlin” proposal; the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, also known as the “Simpson-Bowles” proposal; and the Senate’s own “Gang of Six” have all put forward ideas for spending reduction, entitlement reform and tax reform that would meaningfully reduce the nation’s debt and deficit. 

“We will work to help the joint select committee as it seeks to accomplish its goal to reduce our nation’s deficit and debt and move the nation forward,” Hoeven said.

Go Big Press Conference