
Hoeven Encourages North Dakotans to Give Input on FEMA's Draft Policy for Inundated Road Assistance

Senator Working to Advance Permanent Fix for Unnecessary Burdens, Costs under Public Assistance Program

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement encouraging North Dakotans to submit input to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on its draft policy regarding assistance for inundated and submerged roadways under the Public Assistance (PA) grant program. This aligns with Hoeven’s efforts with FEMA to revise previous guidance under the PA program that has hindered the state’s efforts to repair inundated roadways. FEMA’s existing policy requires burdensome and costly additional steps, including the construction and subsequent removal of emergency access for impacted roads, in order for repairs to be eligible. Accordingly, Hoeven: 

  • Made the case to FEMA, in a meeting with Senator Kevin Cramer and state legislators Senator Terry Wanzek and Representative Craig Headland, to allow a permanent fix enabling the repair and improvement of inundated roads, which have impacted communities around the state.
  • Raised the issue with FEMA Deputy Regional Administrator Nancy Dragani and Recovery Division Director Ryan Pietramali through his role on the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Committee.

 As a result of these efforts, FEMA agreed to resolve issues on a case-by-case basis, including for Peterson Township in Stutsman County, as it works to address the current guidance. To this end, FEMA is accepting public comment on its draft policy until October 14. The draft policy and information on submitting input can be found on FEMA’s website here

“This is an important opportunity to ensure that FEMA’s Public Assistance program works for our state and communities,” said Hoeven. “Flooded roads represent a real risk to the well-being of local residents, impacting not only day-to-day life, but compromising access to essential emergency services as well. We appreciate FEMA for working with us to address the unnecessary burdens under the PA program, and we encourage North Dakotans to submit their feedback and help improve the delivery of this assistance, making it more accessible for communities in need.”
