
Hoeven: Corps to Send Cleanup Crew to DAPL Site this Week

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today said that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have a crew on site by the end of the week to assist in cleaning up the area of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. In addition to pressing for federal law enforcement to support state and local law enforcement, Hoeven has been working to secure federal support to help clear the area ahead of spring flooding.

“The spring thaw is already underway, so the Corps need to get this area cleaned up now,” said Hoeven. “I spoke with Corps officials this week and they committed to have a crew on site by the end of the week to assist in clearing the area to help prevent an environmental disaster should the area flood.”

The Corps notified Hoeven that they are accelerating the environmental remediation contract and expect to have a crew on the ground by Thursday or Friday to aid in the clean-up of the Corps lands.
