
Hoeven Announces Agenda for the State of Technology Conference in Fargo

Conference to Feature Red River Valley Business Leaders, Technology Experts

FARGO, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today announced the agenda for the 2014 State of Technology Conference, an annual business technology event featuring a keynote address by Doug Burgum. The conference will be held Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014, at the Fargo Theatre On and Off Broadway. Hoeven and the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce are hosting the forum to highlight technological innovations in North Dakota’s key industries and to help the state’s businesses find ways to use technology to grow and increase success.

“Our state’s businesses are using technology in smart ways to grow our economy and create good jobs for our people,” Hoeven said. “This year’s State of Technology Conference will once again highlight the innovative ways these companies are accomplishing outstanding work. The conference will also provide a good forum for North Dakota business leaders to meet to discuss ways we can continue to grow and diversify North Dakota’s technology sector to stay in the vanguard.”

At the State of Technology event last year, Doug Burgum issued a challenge to the state of North Dakota to develop the fastest internet available, which became the Dakota Fiber Initiative. Burgum and Gary Inman will describe what has happened since then and what the next steps are. Then, Burgum will talk about how the technology sector in our state is a driving factor in the success of our economy and highlight how public policy about technology has a dramatic effect on the workforce and the state as a whole. In addition, the conference will feature panel discussions about digital and mobile imaging, health care operations intelligence, online marketing, location-based mobile technology and mobile ordering services. Finally, the event will feature an award ceremony for the Information Technology Council of North Dakota.

To register for the 2014 State of Technology Conference, please contact the Fargo-Moorhead West Fargo Chamber website or call (218) 233-1100.

The full schedule is as follows:


8:30 a.m.                     Welcome – Craig Whitney


Craig Whitney Introduces Event Emcee:

Katie Hasbargen, Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Manager at Microsoft


                                    Opening Remarks – Senator Hoeven


8:50 a.m.                     Dakota Fiber Initiative Update

Gary Inman, Board President for the Information Technology Council of ND


9 a.m.                          Opening Keynote – Doug Burgum, Arthur Ventures / Kilbourne Group


10 a.m.                        ITCND  Award Ceremony


10:15 a.m.                   Kevin Czarnecki – GE Region Product Marketing Director for DGS US & Canada

Susan Brown – GE Advanced Clinical Sales Specialist for Digital XR

                                    Peter Boesen – GE Segment Marketing Leader Healthcare Ultrasound   


11 a.m.                        Shane Waslaski, President and CEO for Intelligent InSites


11:15 a.m.                   Tristan Pollock, Founder of Storefront


11:30 a.m.                   Tim Brookins, Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft

                                    Jake Joraanstad, Co-founder and CEO of Myriad Mobile


12 noon                      Jean Maaske - Chief Operating Officer of Z!ng--Dinner in a Dash


12:15 p.m.                   Closing Remarks