Agriculture remains the top industry in North Dakota, with our state leading the nation in the production of a variety of commodities, including flaxseed, canola, durum wheat, spring wheat and dry edible beans. Our farmers and ranchers do a tremendous job providing us with the highest quality, lowest cost food supply in the world. As lead Republican on the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee, and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I worked to pass into law a strong, long-term farm bill for our producers and continue working to ensure the farm bill is implemented effectively and efficiently for our farmers and ranchers. I also continue working to help our producers through an unprecedented series of challenges, such as weather disasters and the impacts of COVID-19.
Hoeven: USDA Releases Details on $10 Billion in Market-Based Disaster Assistance, Begins Accepting Applications March 19
Hoeven, Klobuchar Reintroduce Legislation to Update USDA Loan Limits, Improve Producer Access to Credit
Hoeven, Rounds Reintroduce Legislation to Ban Foreign Adversaries from Buying American Farmland and Agricultural Businesses
Hoeven: Flexibility Must be Maintained in Farm Bill to Address Emergencies in Farm Country
Hoeven Statement After Voting to Confirm Brooke Rollins as Secretary of Agriculture
Hoeven Joins Legislation to Reinstate Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for Beef
Hoeven Discusses Priorities for Farm Country with U.S. Agriculture Industry Leaders Senator Introduces ND Native Josh Gackle at Senate Ag Committee Hearing